Review: The Magicians and Mrs. Quent (Mrs. Quent, #1) by Galen Beckett

The Magicians and Mrs. Quent (Mrs. Quent, #1)The Magicians and Mrs. Quent by Galen Beckett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, + Jane Eyre + “magick”. Seriously. But in a good way? Sort of?

I’ve also read reviews that say that much of the plot in the first-person-narrated-for-reasons-indecipherable-to-the-reader-and-probably-the-author-too second part is based on Turn of the Screw, which I haven’t read, but probably will now.

Don’t get me wrong, the plot rip-offs aren’t as bothersome as they should be, mostly because they’re intentional. It says almost-clearly on the book jacket that author Galen Beckett wrote the series to explore the question of what it would be like if there was a solid reason women in 19th century literature functioned the way they seem to do. Or something. Does this get cleared up in the novel? No. But it’s kind of fun to read. It doesn’t really tax the brain, given you can pretty much guarantee what will happen next (I was kind of disappointed Gennivel Quent wasn’t inside the locked room, to be honest. Her character would have been interesting), and the scientifically impossible day/night lengths thing is pretty interesting, even if it is reminiscent of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and its long winter/summer seasons, as well as the mythology of this alternate world, and the function of the illusionists (I’m still not sure what differentiates them from magicians and whether or not they’re human), the magicians, and the witches in the general hierarchy of magic in relation to the plot.

Pretty much I’m hoping the second and third books in the series will tie up some loose ends (like what was up with Westen?) and lend this “experiment” some credibility. I placed a lot of trust in Galen Beckett as an author with whom I am unfamiliar and un-endorsed, and I didn’t dislike the book. I just wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to anyone without a large store of patience or a rabid love for the genre(s).

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Review: How To Be Good by Nick Hornby

How To Be GoodHow To Be Good by Nick Hornby
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first two pages of this book are hilarious, and the narrative stays consistently amusing beyond that point. The characters’ limited perspectives are so wonderfully flat and self-centered! Not a single character in this book desires to actually be good, not if it interferes with their self-righteousness or their conception of what, exactly, the term entails. Katie Carr is a wonderful unreliable narrator, funny and sarcastic and a seeming projection of the mind of every guilty liberal stuck on his or her First World problems.
How To Be Good is a highly polished mirror held up to society with the same cold, sharp objectivity Hornby can bring to seemingly any type of character, along with his gift of the over-warm, squishy embarrassment of everyday life delivered perfectly on the page with uncomfortable accuracy. The in-depth examination of what it is to be good, and be human at once really hit home for me, and I’d recommend it to anyone interested in a smart novel guaranteed to make you examine one’s own state of “Good-ness”.

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